Sunday, February 1, 2009

Some Serious Talent!

I like to think that everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has a talent, a skill, or an ability of sorts. We just have to get to know the person first to find out what it is. I'll meet someone and think "They seem nice." But once I get to know them (it never fails) and then I'm re-thinking to "Wow! I had no idea!" If anything this entry is to remind myself to not be so quick to judge and categorize the people around me.

For instance, how did:
-She become such an intuitive photographer...
-She ever learn to sing and act like that...
-She become such a brillant artist...
-She/He get such a good eye for design...
-She become so gosh-darn funny...(I'm thinking of whole bunch of women who are a great combo of wit/sass/humor)...
-She teach 150+ kids a new primary song (and they sing it like they mean it)...
-They manage to week after week teach my sons primary class of 13+ kids and maintain order...
-She/He become so spiritually in tune...
-They figure out how to plan for and bring to reality a new charter school/dance studio/bed and breakfast inn...
-He learn to direct a movie...
-He run so many marathons...
-He tie "flies" and actually catch a fish with it...
-She write such a delightful book...
-She learn to save babies lives and then teach it to others in 3rd world countries...
-She have the patience to let a plant grow from seed and not just buy it big...
-She figure out how to sew like that...
-She make such a BIG cupcake...
-She/He be so gracious...
-She always know the right thing to say at the right time...
-They become so in tune with their children's needs...
-She give a church talk or R.S. lesson and talk through the tears ;-)

Seriously...some serious talent.