Monday, December 15, 2008

Take your tantrum ticket and wait in line please.

This morning Erik started sulking because Jeff made the wrong kind of pancakes. Erik wanted the Bisquick "melt in your mouth" variety and instead he got whole wheat blender pancakes. Boo-hoo, life is rough when your dad makes pancakes, muffins, oven-pancakes or french toast for breakfast.

Claire then pouted because she didn't get to sit by who she wanted to at the breakfast table.

Later in the morning Megan screamed bloody murder when I attempted to give her a bath. The screaming started when Meg saw me filling the tub with water and she didn't let up until she was bathed and safely wrapped in a fluffy pink towel.

I already used up my "ticket" yesterday by being a big time grump in the afternoon.

And Jeff...he is downstairs watching "National Lampoon's Christmas" and laughing his head off! I think Cousin Eddie just showed up in his R.V. at Clark's house so I'm going down there now.
Background: We attended a church party last week for the primary teachers and their guest. The theme was to wear an ahhh... elaborate Christmas sweater. Jeff wore one of my mom's. He won a prize in the category of "most likely to be worn by a kindergarten teacher." (She is a kindergarten teacher...perfect!)