Saturday, January 20, 2018

arms like Vin Diesel's

We were playing the game, What’s Yours Like, where one person is trying to guess a word from rather vague clues that everybody else is giving.

In one round as we go around the circle people are saying things such as:
“Mine are brown.”
“I’ve had mine since I was born.”
“Mine are always with me.”

Then it is Jeff’s turn.  And with a straight face he says, “Mine are like Vin Diesel’s.”

Everyone laughs and the person correctly guesses the word, “arms.”

If you make a claim like that you had better be ready to own it. 

With the help of Laurie, Aubrey and their families images of Vin Diesel started showing up EVERYWHERE.  In Jeff’s truck, behind the milk, on family pictures, in the cereal box, in plants and on the ceiling fan.  He has found around 50, but there are a few more in hiding. 

2004 Mazatlan, Erik, baby Claire and ummm... Jeff (?)